
I try to keep a running list of interesting words and short phrases from English and other languages. Here is that collection, which, of course, is not in alphabetical order:

Mise en Abyme - copy of an image within itself

Arctolatry - Bear Worship

Geschichtlos - people without a history

Mleccha - sanskrit for barbarian

Weltislehre - world ice theory

Pleonasm - using more words than necessary

Inyenzi - Kingarwanda word for cockroach, slur by Hutu toward Tutsi

Anya - from Aynasiz, turkish for “those without a mirror” aka the police

Kgotla - Public council in historic Botswana, early democracy

Acinteyya - Buddhist term for 4 unanswerable questions

Jahiliyya - pre-Islamic Barbarism

Flagelado - the tormented ones, N.E. Brazilians

Qilin - Chinese chimera, presages good rulers, associated with the giraffe

Euphrosynos - Have fun/enjoy life (found on mosaic)

Eudaimonia - human flourishing, a good life

Swaraj- self-rule, Ghandian term

Dromomania - urge to walk

Drapetomania - condition that causes slaves to want to run away, coined by Sam Cartwright in 1851

Sluggish Schizophrenia - USSR term to diagnose dissidents

Ofay- Pig latin for “foe” Black slang for YT people, ‘20’s

Koyaanisqatsi- Hopi for “life out of balance”

Ethnophaulism - an ethnic slur

Cantinflear - From Cantinflaus, to talk a lot but not say anything, Mexican Spanish

Flyting- Scottish insult poetry, 1500’s

Naqāiḍ - Arabic insult poetry

Ikocha Nkocha - Nigerian insult poetry

Enthousiasmos - possession trance

Charivari/Skymmington - English carnaval/mythical land

Orpheotelestae - Greek doctor who dances around the sick

Horror Vacui/Kenophobia - fear of empty space, especially in an artwork

Iram of the Pillars - lost city mentioned in the Quran

Anatamopoiesis - act of creating bodies

Lampades - underworld nymphs

Paideum - interconnectedness of all aspects of a society’s culture, Leo Frobenius

Wyrd - Anglo-Saxon for fate/destiny

Eusebeia - to perform actions appropriate to the god’s, greek version of dharma

Ta’xet - Haida god of violent death

Tia - Haida god of peaceful death

Interdexicality - ability of some words to have different meanings each time used, like “I” or “here”

Grève dezèle - work-to-rule, a strike where things are shut down by following the exact letter of the rules and work grinds to a halt

Sekrata - Sakalava 3rd gender

Gynaceum - greek term for part of the house for women

Zenana - Indian term for part of the house for women

Andion - part of the house for men

Zermatism - theory of history from Stanislaw Szukalsk. All humans from Easter Island, fighting against Yetinsyny, sons of Yeti/humans

Agartha - Kingdom in the hollow earth

Iatrogenic - brought forth from the healer

Tang Ping - Chinese term for “lying flat” aka doing nothing

Bangaku - Japanese, barbarian studies

Melmastya - Pashto term for hospitality

Jirga - Pashto assembly to make decisions by consensus

Khwaindo Jirga - Women’s Jirga

Gua Gou - lit. “interlocking mechanism” chinese, to explain corruption

Multatuli- Latin, lit, “I have suffered much” pen name of Dutch anti-colonial writer, early 1800’s

Ergi - Old Norse, insult meaning unmanly

Seidr - Norse term for ability to tell the future, considered a feminine trait

Yamy - Russian urban ghetto

Fenya/Ofenya - Russian criminal slang

Myaso - lit. meat, Russian, term for person you escape gulag with that you intend to eat

KOT- Russian tattoo, Native of Prisons

NEZh- Russian tattoo, fed up with this fucking life

ZLO - Russian tattoo, take revenge on informants

Hui - chinese informal loan co-operatives

Zhulong - Pig Dragon, artifact from neolithic China

Gylang - social system based on gender equality

Yaogui - Starving ghost, people with insatiable appetites

Batin - hidden inner form, Islam

Zahir - surface, apperent form, Islam

Kenjataimu - Japanese, post-nut clarity

Ashe - universal life-force in Afro-Cuban religions

YKINMKBYKIOK - your kink is not my kink, but your kink is okay

Xanthic - yellow

Algedonic - characterized by pain associated with pleasure

Echopraxia - involuntary repetition/imitation of another’s actions, name of brothel in BotNS

Apotropaic - designed to ward off evil

Eutarchia - perpetual happiness

Kleos - Greek, renown, glory

Eidolon - spiritual image of double

Onomastics - study of names

Oubliette - place of forgetting, dungeon entered from above

Peryton - any creature with bat wings

Phrontistery - place for study/thinking

Pinakotheken - place for exhibiting art

Scoplanga - beautiful woman

Teratoid - monster-like

Thaumaturge - wonder-worker

Threnody/threnodic - Lament, lament-like, dirge

Conatus - an innate inclination of a thing to continue to exist and enhance itself

Abya Yala - lit. “land of vital blood,” used by natives across Colombia and Panama as a sort of South American “Turtle Island”

Katabasis - lit, “going down” trip to the netherworld

Sitra Achra - realm of evil in Kabbalah, home to the Qliphoth

Qliphoth - husks or shells, dark side reflection in Kabbalah

Dunya - temporary world and earthly possessions, Arabic

al-Akhirah - afterlife and eternity, Arabic

Haruspex - person trained to read entrails

Kabloona - YT devil, Inuit. Historic

Qallunang - YT devil, Inuit, current

Tuungaq - devil, Inuit

Sila - breath of soul, life-force, Inuit

Utkiavik - a place for hunting owls, Inuit

Zersetzung - E. German term for gang-stalking

Ori - Yoruba concept of spiritual intuition and destiny.

Iwa Pele - Yoruba for balanced life

Emere - Yoruba, child who can travel between the spirit world and earth at will. Usually bad and tends to die on days of great joy

Der Irrgarten - German, maze lit. “error garden”

Homoioi - Spartan term for “those who are equal”

Wogie - Checto (Oregon) term for mythical original inhabitants of the land, small and White and driven out. Originally thought that YT people were the Wogie returned

Sangah - Popular assemblies in S. Asia

Pochteca - Aztec warrior-merchant class. Also acted as spies

Sapa Inca - lit. “the unique Inca”

Khipu - Incan knots as records

Khipukamayuqs - Knot keepers in Andean society

Huachuma - Mescaline-based drink in Peru

Ondinnonk - Wendat, concept of special dreams that must be realized

Onoharoin - Wendat, festival to realize Ondinnonk dreams

Izao rehetra izao - lit. “that is all” term for Madagascar

Gezirart al-Komr - “island of the moon” term for Madagascar

Ombiasy - “man of virtue” Sakalava shamen

Maro Taola - time of bones

Ampitifirambazaha - place of shooting Vazaha, deep south

Bath Kol - Heavenly voice, audible in biblical times

Mahlath - female demon

Kavvanah - mystical exegesis

Skeuomorphism - design term for making an object look like the thing it is replacing

JDPON - Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat of the Oppressed Nations

Eubouleus - good counselor, epithet for Hades and Dionysus

Hyperia - land of dancing

Xenios - God of Strangers

Zeitgeber - time-giver, usually the sun

Chronotaxis - departure into time

Enantiodromia - tendency of things to change into their opposites

Symbiopoisis - act of creating one another

Myxocene - age of slime

Poshlost - Russian, self-satisfied vulgarity

Dveshabhakti - Hate-Devotion, in Hinduism, spending all your time hating a god is thinking about them all the time and, thus good. Happens to Kamsa, who is obsessed with his nephew Krishna, who is destined to kill him.

Scholé - inaction/leisure with a higher purpose, Greek

Theoria - Contemplation

гулять (gulyat) - To wonder w/o purpose

Majdhub - Someone who is mad for Allah

Kakotherēs- Greek, unable to endure the summer heat

Nachash - name of the serpent in Genesis, as a noun it means “serpent” as verb, “to divine” as an adjective, “shining”

Khanqua - Sufi lodge

Misology - hatred of reason/logic

Tetralemma - Indian logical form, each proposition has 4 possibilities

-It is true

-It is not true

-It is both true and not true

-It is neither true nor untrue

G.I.G.O. - garbage in, garbage out

Verschlimmbesserung - German, to make things worse while trying to make them better

Lila - Divine play, child’s play, ease, charm in Hinduism

Ista-devota - One’s chosen deity

Baraka - Spiritual power/authority, Islam

Jama’a - Association of the learned, Islam

N’gana - Mande, man of action

N’gara - Mande, man of words

Majlis - learning circle, Islam

Tulpa - Object or being created by thoughts, Theosophy

Bhava-hatya - ideocide, the murder of ideas or by ideas, Sanskrit coined by Velcheru Naragan Rao

Shlesha - Figure of speech where some expression refers to two different stories at once. Sanskrit

Kottabos - ancient Greek drinking game where one throws wine-dregs at a target in the center of the room.

Shikantaza - Just sitting, objectless meditation, Japanese

Alexithymia - inability to identify one’s emotions

Anagnorisis - sudden discovery of one’s identity and predicament

Geworfenheit: lit. "thrownness" from German. Heidegger's terms for being tossed into a specific context/time/culture

Kozo Oshoku - structural corruption, Japanese

Aflakete - lit. “I have tricked you” name for Legba

Cassés - lit. “breaks” in Haitian Creole. Haitian term for jarring rhythmically dissonant patterns

Telesterion - Secret location of the Elysian mysteries

Umbanda - fusion of Condomble and European spirituality in urban Brazil. Eshu becomes Exu and is fused with the devil

Sondé miroir, O Legba - lit. “to fathom the mirror” to uncover secrets, Haitian

Hen Kai Pan - The One and the All, Greek

Brahmamuhurtha - lit. “The Time of Brahma'' in ancient Hindu time division, best time for mediation/yoga. 1hr 36 minutes before sunrise until 48 minutes before sunrise.

Fana - Annihilation, sufism

Mukhallitun - mixers, syncretists

Zaqqum - tree that grows in hell with devil heads as fruit

Glamour - Scottish word for spell which makes beloved appear ugly to everyone else

Aporia - an irresolvable contradiction in logic or argument

Schreibtischtäter - lit. “writing table perputrator” German for desk murderers or bureaucrats in Nazi machine.

Cosmophagy - eating the world

Sūnyatā - empty of independent existence, Sanskrit

Clinamen - originally meant “unpredictable swerve” by Lucretius to describe atoms, now means inclination or bias

Sabr & Skukr - “Patients and Gratitude” philosophy of life outside of religion, Arabic

Misology - Hatred of reasoning/debate/words

Gaman Kurabe - game to see who will leave the office first, Japanese

Zaitech - “money games” finance that is not productive but is lucrative, Japanese

O.G.U. - One god universe, Burroughs

Ekpyrosis - Stoic belief in period of burning for the cosmos every great year

Palingenesis - cosmic recreation

Kataklysmos - catastrophe, destruction by water

Mundus Vult Decipi, Ergo Decipiatur <the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived>

Etiäinen - Spirit/image/doppelganger, that goes ahead of a person and does what they will do, a type of Haltija, or spirit connected to people/places, Finish

Servitor - psychological complex, deliberately created to work for the creator, Chaos Magik on the Thoughtform continuum:

Sigils ->Servitors -> Egregores ->Godforms

Emic/Etic - types of field research. Emic is from within the group being studied, etic is from without.

Takwin - goal is Islamic alchemy to create synthetic life. Associated with Jabir ibn Hayyan

Kausaj - man with a short thin beard, thought of as cunning and untrustworthy, Hindi

Kúseh - thin-bearded, insult, Persian

Khush-rish - well-beared, Persian

Hanami - (花見, "flower viewing") is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the transient beauty of flowers

Fylgjam- a spirit, often in the form of an animal that accompanies a person and is connected to their fate. Norse

Heyókȟa- Lakota, contrarian, jester. Laughs when sad, cries when happy, etc. Can act as a sort of police at large festivals. Black Elk was one. Must have had vision of Wakíŋyaŋ, or Thunder-beings, as a child.