Damn, the library really stays on top of DeForge. This is another volume he, apparently, put out this year, tho it is very different from Leaving Richard’s Valley. The most obvious difference is the length. LRV was over 400 pages and drawn daily, this thing is tiny (both in dimension and length) and can be finished in about 15 mins. Additionally, while LRV is stylistically flatter or more normal than what I typically expect of DeForge, STUNT goes off. The art is amazing, everyone has this Gumby quality that tracks with a story about feelings of malleability and morphing. The colors in a limited pallet but very well used. The story itself was pretty straight forward but it paid off well. It’s basically about a depressed Stunt-man who’s asked to fill-in for more and more of the Star’s life. It’s very well contained, the stakes and weirdness increase throughout the story and I enjoyed the ending (even if it was a little predictable). My only complaint would be that the book itself wasn’t physically larger so I could enjoy the drawings. Keep it up SPL, keep us well supplied with DeForge. 1 Sad man.
