AVAILABLE: Two short books in a row about a sad man’s obsession with sex workers. I’m not sure this is really a theme worth pursuing further, both books end in ruin for the man. A quick story: when I was 20 I spent the summer in San Francisco and one of my roommates, was a man named Phil who was a Vollmann fanatic. Phil was a pretty interesting guy overall, he knew a lot about growing weed and chemistry and talked about seeing prostitutes (though he always insisted he went to the Mission District, not the Tenderloin, where this book takes place). He claimed he once met Vollmann on the street one night, both of them on the prowl. He always used to insist that you had to ask the women you approached on the street to show you their breast before you engage in negotiations, to make sure you aren’t speaking to a cop. I didn’t know about Vollmann before I met Phil, but like I said, Phil was a fanatic and a booster and he convinced me to read a few of his books. This one is probably the closer to the Vollmann stuff that Phil likes. Vollmann is all over the place. I like RURD though I’ve only read the condensed version and the section on Madagascar in the full volume. I like his non-fiction better generally, his book about hopping trains was good and his book about his “alter-ego” Dolores is bonkers and interesting. I’ve never made an attempt to take on any of the huge fiction books about the European conquest of the New World. I am intrigued about his book about a bug uprising. WHORES FOR GLORIA is short and precise. It’s basically just vignettes and long (as in pages long) sentences that artfully describe the desperate milieu these sex-workers/customers inhabit in 80’s Tenderloin. It isn’t much interested in plot, it’s basically about man named Jimmy trying to find this ideal prostitute named Gloria, rather it wants to show you how these people, drunks and drug addicts and prostitutes and pimps, are living. We’re definitely suppose to consider this some sort of very artful journalism, Vollmann includes an appendix where he quotes real prostitutes he interviewed and who’s real stories he claims he’s, lightly, fictionalized, for the book. He includes a table showing how much he paid for various sex acts, including how much it cost to be told the stories the comprise the book. This subject clearly fascinates Vollmann. I also own, but haven’t yet read, THE ROYAL FAMILY, which is a 900 page book that also takes places in the Tenderloin hellscape milieu and feature a man trying to find a quasi-mythical prostitute. After reading this one I’m not sure I’m super eager to tackle this subject that much longer. I agree with Vollmann that the fact that prostitution is carried out in this criminal ambience is the major contributor (alongside more general societal misogyny) to the danger these women face. He paints this world in lyrical detail, he’s a hell of a writer, but this seemed like enough. 6 whores.