This was actually a bit of a reread, I’d made it about 80% through this book before but picked up back up and blasted through it because I told someone who still lives in the South that I’d mail it to him. It’s amazing. A sort of People’s History but focused only on the South. However, instead of talking a grand, over-arching, history 101 approach (which is still needed if anyone’s interested  in writing a book) to Southern radicalism, it focuses in on a handful of situations and instances. From these vignettes, which are riots and strikes and insurrections and battles, of our past, it’s possible to imagine another present. What if this movement hadn’t been coopted? What if that strike had held out? Sad stuff, but necessary if we want to move forward. My favorite sections is the one about the maroon slave colony is the Great Dismal Swamp. The Great Dismal Swamp, in addition to having the best swamp name, is a place I’ve been (I once planned a Boy Scout canoe trip there), grew up near, and totally had no idea about this peace of history. Escaped slaves, Native Americans and landless whites lived in the pre-revolutionary GDS, killed slave masters and freed slaves, stole, resisted detection and arrest, syncretized  their religious beliefs and lived for years. Outrageous that I didn’t know that. I need to return to NC and erect a plaque.